Elegy For The Earth

Duration: 6 Min 12 Sec

Click On Image for 30 Sec Demo

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(String Orchestra)

  • Composed by: Mehran Pedram




  • Violin I,II: Ali Jafaripouyan, Meysam Marvasti
  • Alto: Meysam Marvasti
  • Cello: Mehrdad Alemi
  • Double-bass: Hadi Esmaeili
  • Mix and Mastering by: Hami Haghighi


  • Art Director : Reza Rouholamini


  • Producer: wikilux Agency



This piece was chosen as one of the selected pieces of the world composition competition of “National Music and World Culture Association”. This piece is the first movement of a set of three movements, the duration of the piece is 6:12 This association, which is located in New York City, specializes in music making. He held this course with the name and memory of the famous Azerbaijani composer “Fikrat Amirov”. In this competition, 21 countries including the Netherlands, America, China, England, Germany, Colombia, Italy, Argentina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Lithuania, Iran, Mexico, Philippines, Greece, Australia, France, Turkey, and Azerbaijan were present The association will publish the work with the score in New York City and Baku. In this movement, oriental music dongs and official music decorations are used in the majority of personal harmony.

Fikret Amirov

Fikret Amirov A great Azerbaijani composer Fikret Amirov was born on November 22, 1922, in city of Gandja. Fikret Amirov grew up in an atmosphere of Azerbaijani folk music. His father, Mashadi Jamil Amirov, was a famous mugam singer, who played tar and composed, including the 1915 opera Seyfal mulk. During his childhood and early adolescence, Fikret began composing pieces for the piano. Upon his graduation from the Ganja Music College, Amirov entered the Azerbaijan State Conservatoire, now known as the Baku Music Academy, where he was a student of Boris Zeidman and Uzeyir Hajibeyli. In 1941, when Nazi Germany attacked the USSR, Amirov, 19 at the time, was drafted to the Soviet army. He was wounded near Voronezh, hospitalized and demobilized from the military service, returning to Baku to continue his studies at the Azerbaijan State Conservatoire. Amirov’s music was strongly influenced by Azerbaijani folk melodies. He created a new genre called symphonic mugam. Amirov’s symphonic mugams were based on classical folk pieces and were performed by many renowned symphony orchestras throughout the world, such as the Houston Symphony Orchestra conducted by Leopold Stokowski. Amirov was a prolific composer. His most famous pieces include symphonic works such as “Shur” (1946), Kurd Ovshari (1949), “Azerbaijan Capriccio” (1961), “Gulustan Bayati-Shiraz” (1968), “The Legend of Nasimi” (1977), “To the Memory of the Heroes of the Great National War” (1944), “Double Concerto for Violin, Piano and Orchestra” (1948) etc. His ballets include “Nizami” (1947) and “1001 Nights”, which premiered in 1979.